A Quiet Guy – S.1 e.2 Sapere tutto, conoscere nulla -A Meditative Journey Through the Fog of Mystery


A Quiet Guy – S.1 e.2 Sapere tutto, conoscere nulla -A Meditative Journey Through the Fog of Mystery

Experience the profound depths of “Sapere tutto, conoscere nulla” by A Quiet Guy, where every note is a step deeper into the mist-shrouded landscapes of the Po Valley.
This track emerges from the simplicity of dual guitar melodies, encapsulating the quietude and enigma of a winter’s day obscured by fog. Inspired by the likes of Ben Frost, Squrl, and Ulver, A Quiet Guy invites you into a world where knowing everything feels like knowing nothing, amidst a backdrop of ambient noise and emotional turbulence. Join us on this meditative journey and feel the chill of the unseen and the unheard, resonating through the eerie yet comforting solitude.

Bandcamp: https://raighesfactory.bandcamp.com/track/s1e2-sapere-tutto-conoscere-nulla

#AQuietGuy #AmbientGuitarMusic #GuitarSounds
Label: Raighes Factory

Music Sheets: http://sheets.raighes.com
Music Library: https://www.raigheslibrary.com
Sub-Label: https://raigheschillbeats.com

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